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October 7, 2013

Quiz-19 - Indian Constitution 120 Mcq Bits for UPSC, APPSC, IBPS & Bank Po Exams

Online test Quiz on Indian latest GK and latest current affairs questions 2013, General Knowledge questions and answers  on recent current affairs 2012, Science quiz mpsc, tnpsc, kpsc, current affairs questions and answers, current affairs 2013 quiz, current affairs 2013, 2012 for competitive and bank exams, general knowledge questions 2013 for government jobs in Andhra Pradesh, General Awareness for Bank and All competitive exams.

Q) 1. Which one is not the principle of Parliamentary government in a democracy ?(A) Collective responsibility of Executive(B) Fixed Tenure(C) Prime Minister as Primes inter pares(D) Judicial guarantee of Fundamental Rights
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online test Quiz on Indian latest GK and latest current affairs questions 2013, General Knowledge questions and answers  on recent current affairs 2012, Science quiz mpsc, tnpsc, kpsc, current affairs questions and answers, current affairs 2013 quiz, current affairs 2013, 2012 for competitive and bank exams, general knowledge questions 2013 for government jobs in Andhra Pradesh, General Awareness for Bank and All competitive exams.

Q) 2. The Executive in Presidential form of government is powerful because—(A) the Legislature is weak(B) judges are appointed by the President(C) it enjoys the fixity of tenure(D) the procedure of impeachment is cumbersome
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Q) 3. Presidential form of government is based on the principle of—(A) accountability of Executive to Judiciary(B) independence of the Executive(C) separation of powers(D) sovereignty of the Legislature
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Q) 4. “Politics is struggle for power”, was said by—(A) Morgenthau(B) Quincy Wright(C) Sprout(D) Thomson
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Q) 5. “Politics is concerned with the authoritative allocation of values for a society.” This definition of politics has been given by—(A) David Easton(B) Harold Lasswell(C) Robert Dahl(D) Charles Merriam
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Q) 6. According to Structural-Functional approach which of the following does not constitute ‘input functions’ of a political system ?(A) Political socialisation(B) Political development(C) Interest aggregation(D) Political communication
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Q) 7. Who of the following is regarded as an exponent of empty liberty ?(A) Bentham(B) J.S. Mill(C) Hegel(D) Green
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Q) 8. Which one of the following books is not written by Machiavelli ?(A) The Prince(B) The Discourses(C) The Art of War(D) Behemoth
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Q) 9. The view that “the State is a necessary evil”, is associated with—(A) Individualists(B) Anarchists(C) Marxists(D) Sophists
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Q) 10. The philosophy that stands diametrically opposite to liberalism is—(A) Individualism(B) Capitalism(C) Marxism(D) Fascism
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Q) 11. Who of the following first propounded the organic theory of State ?(A) Machiavelli(B) Plato(C) Marx(D) Herbert Spencer
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Q) 12. Social Contract theory is based on—(A) Nationalism(B) Constitutionalism(C) Individualism(D) Socialism
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Q) 13. Who of the following first used the term ‘Socialism’ ?(A) Kropotkin(B) Robert Owen(C) Marx(D) Bentham
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Q) 14. Which one of the following is not an agency of public opinion ?(A) Press(B) Judiciary(C) Political Party(D) T.V. and Radio
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Q) 15. The first systematic classification of government was given by—(A) Plato(B) Aristotle(C) Machiavelli(D) Montesquieu
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Q) 16. Which one of the following functions is performed by political parties ?(A) To render help to poor people(B) To run hospitals(C) To manage newspapers(D) To assist candidates in contesting elections
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Q) 17. ‘The concept of liberty’ includes—(A) absence of unjust restraints(B) maximum justice(C) national liberation(D) absence of restraints
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Q) 18. The best explanation of ‘Equality’ is—(A) identity of treatment(B) parity of remuneration(C) fulfilment of minimum needs(D) abiding by rules
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Q) 19. Marxian socialism is called ‘scientific socialism’, because Marx—(A) considered personal experiences as his laboratory(B) opposed religion and metaphysical issues(C) rejected idealistic, vague and utopian assumptions(D) accepted dictatorship of the proletariat
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Q) 20. The Retributive Theory of Justice is based on—(A) the principle of deterrent punishment(B) the principle of revenge(C) the principle that punishment should aim at reforming the criminals(D) the principle of ‘hate the sin and not the sinner’
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Q) 21. Classless society according to Marx denotes—(A) a tribal society(B) a casteless society(C) a society where there is only one class–the working class(D) a society in which all classes are in equal proportion
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Q) 22. Rousseau’s ‘General Will’ means—(A) Will of the sovereign(B) Will of the general public(C) Will of majority(D) Collective good of the people
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Q) 23. The Deterrent Theory of Justice is based upon the principle of—(A) Tit for tat(B) Severe and exemplary punishment to prevent the reoccurrence of crime(C) That criminals should be reformed(D) That criminals should be treated leniently
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Q) 24. Theory of Political Development means—(A) Development of the whole state(B) Development of the consciousness amongst the people(C) Development of the whole society through the instrumentality of the State(D) Development of political elite
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Q) 25. Divine Origin theory of the State holds that—(A) State was created by a saint named Divine(B) State was created by Pope(C) State was created by God(D) State was created by majority vote
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Q) 26. Oligarchy is a system where—(A) representatives of the common people dominate(B) aristocratic class dominates(C) working class dominates(D) peasantry dominates
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Q) 27. A Totalitarian State is one in which—(A) total power of the state is vested in one person(B) state has total power over its subjects(C) state caters to the total needs of its subjects(D) state has complete control over its resources
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Q) 28. The characteristic which is of the ‘List System’ but not of ‘Single Transferable Vote System’ is—(A) it is proportional representation(B) the constituency must be multiple-member(C) quota is calculated(D) votes are cast to the party and not the candidate
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Q) 29. The scholar who first propounded the single transferable vote system is—(A) Thomas Paine(B) J.S. Mill(C) Thomas Hare(D) Rousseau
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Q) 30. The ideology of Democratic Socialism lays emphasis on—(A) basis of society is not competition, but cooperation(B) state is a necessary evil(C) violent revolution(D) class-struggle theory
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Q) 31. Which of the following statements is not applicable to Hobbes ?(A) Men entered into a single contract(B) Sovereign enjoyed absolute powers(C) Men can appoint their ruler(D) The contract was one-sided
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Q) 32. Which of the following contains the elements of the historical theory of the origin of the State ?(A) Kinship, religion, war, political consciousness(B) War, customs, kingship, dictates of natural law(C) Kingship, force, mutual agreements, political leadership(D) Blood-relations, contractual agreements, religion, anarchy
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Q) 33. The basic principle of liberalism is—(A) social justice(B) equality(C) individual freedom(D) nationalism
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Q) 34. Modern Individualism demands freedom for—(A) Group(B) Individual(C) People(D) Working class
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Q) 35. The concept of constitutional government was first elaborated by—(A) Plato(B) Aristotle(C) Bodin(D) Machiavelli
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Q) 36. Who propagated “the greatest happiness to the greatest number” ?(A) Marxists(B) Utilitarians(C) Liberals(D) Pluralists
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Q) 37. Input-output model is chiefly attributed to—(A) Peter Merkl(B) Robert Dahl(C) David Easton(D) David Apter
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Q) 38. What are the essential elements of the State ?(A) Population, territory, constitution, power(B) Population, territory, government, sovereignty(C) Population, territory, political party, sovereignty(D) Population, power, authority, sovereignty
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Q) 39. Which of the following theories of origin of State is more appropriate and reliable as it is based on scientific base ?(A) Divine theory of origin of state(B) Force theory(C) Evolutionary theory(D) Social contract theory
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Q) 40. The concept of ‘Rule of Law’ was given by—(A) A.V. Dicey(B) Laski(C) Austin(D) MacIver
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Q) 41. Mrs. Annie Besant was associated with—(A) Servants of India Society(B) Home Rule Movement(C) Civil Disobedience Movement(D) Quit India Movement
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Q) 42. Who presides over the joint session of the two Houses of the Parliament ?(A) President of India(B) Speaker of Lok Sabha(C) Prime Minister(D) Leader of Ruling Party
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Q) 43. In the Indian Constitution the word secularism means—(A) State has a religion of its own(B) State has nothing to do with religion(C) State has irreligious(D) State tolerates religions without professing any particular religion
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Q) 44. Who was the Chairman of the ‘Drafting Committee in the Constituent Assembly’ ?(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad(B) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar(C) J. L. Nehru(D) B. N. Rao
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Q) 45. Through which Amendment was the word ‘Socialism’ added to the Constitution ?(A) 42nd Amendment(B) 43rd Amendment(C) 44th Amendment(D) 45th Amendment
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Q) 46. Indian Institute of Public Administration is situated at—(A) Delhi(B) Chennai(C) Kolkata(D) Mumbai
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Q) 47. In India the power of judicial review is enjoyed by the—(A) High Court only(B) Supreme Court only(C) Supreme Court and High Court only(D) Parliament
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Q) 48. In which part of the Indian Constitution proclaims India to be a welfare state ?(A) Part III(B) Part IV(C) Part IX(D) Part VI
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Q) 49. The Fundamental Duties of Indian citizens are contained in—(A) Part I of the Constitution(B) Part III of the Constitution(C) Part IV of the Constitution(D) None of the above
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Q) 50. Which one of the following commissions was constituted to examine the Centre-State relations ?(A) Sarkaria Commission(B) Shah Commission(C) Bachhavat Commission(D) Jain Commission
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Q) 51. In India the work of Budget forming is performed by—(A) Planning Commission(B) Public Service Commission(C) Finance Minister(D) Finance Commission
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Q) 52. Which one of the following is not a Fundamental Right ?(A) Right to Life(B) Right to Liberty(C) Right to Property(D) Right to Freedom of Expression
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Q) 53. Indian system is—(A) Federal(B) Quasi-federal(C) Unitary(D) Federal with unitary bias
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Q) 54. Who among the following was not a member of the Cabinet Mission of 1945 ?(A) Sir Stafford Cripps(B) A.V. Alexander(C) Lord Pathik Lawrence(D) C. Atlee
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Q) 55. The partition of India was first hinted—(A) at the II Round Table Conference(B) in the Cripps Proposals(C) in the Cabinet Mission Plan(D) in the Mountbatten formula
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Q) 56. The demand of the Swarajist Party was—(A) Poorna Swaraj(B) Parliamentary Institutions(C) Dominion Status(D) Communal Electorates
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Q) 57. Who is the ex-officio Chairman of Planning Commission ?(A) President(B) Prime Minister(C) Vice-President(D) Union Planning Minister
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Q) 58. Mohd. Ali Jinnah propounded the ‘Two-Nation’ theory in the year—(A) 1920(B) 1928(C) 1940(D) 1946
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Q) 59. Who among the following was not a moderate ?(A) B.G. Tilak(B) Dadabhai Naoroji(C) Feroz Shah Mehta(D) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
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Q) 60. ‘Dyarchy’ was introduced in India under—(A) Morley-Minto Reforms(B) Montford Reforms(C) Simon Commission Plan(D) Government of India Act, 1935
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Q) 61. The Simon Commission was sent to India to—(A) study the communal problem(B) negotiate with Gandhiji about representation of backward classes(C) review the progress of Montford reforms(D) report on Home Rule to the British Parliament
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Q) 62. The leaders of the Khilafat movement were—(A) Motilal Nehru and C.R. Das(B) Gandhi and Annie Beasant(C) Maulana Azad and Sarojini Naidu(D) Ali Brothers
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Q) 63. Which one of the following pairs is mismatched ?(A) Fascism—Mussolini(B) Anarchism—Bakunin(C) Socialism—Thomas Moore(D) Pluralism—Kropotkin
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Q) 64. The importance of Bureaucracy has greatly increased in present times on account of—(A) the emergence of democratic state(B) the emergence of welfare state(C) the emergence of police state(D) the emergence of liberal economic system
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Q) 65. Freedom of Press in India is—(A) specifically provided in the Constitution(B) implied in the right to freedom of expression(C) available under the Acts of Parliament(D) available under executive orders
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Q) 66. Universal Adult Franchise in India was granted by—(A) The Act of 1919(B) The Act of 1935(C) The Constitution of India(D) Constitutional Amendment in 1971
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Q) 67. Representative Institutions in India were introduced for the first time by the—(A) Charter Act of 1853(B) Government of India Act 1858(C) Indian Council Act 1861(D) Indian Council Act 1892
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Q) 68. Who is the legal sovereign in India ?(A) President of India(B) President and Parliament(C) Constitution of India(D) People of India
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Q) 69. Idealist theory of Rights lays emphasis on man’s—(A) social development(B) economic development(C) civil development(D) moral development
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Q) 70. The slogan ‘Swaraj is my birthright’ was given by—(A) Mahatma Gandhi(B) Lala Lajpat Rai(C) Lokmanya Tilak(D) Bipin Chandra Pal
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Q) 71. The partition of Bengal was annulled in—(A) 1907(B) 1908(C) 1910(D) 1911
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Q) 72. Who, among the following, was the founder of Ghadar Party ?(A) Lala Har Dayal(B) Ram Chandra(C) Bikaji Cama(D) Chandra Shekhar Azad
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Q) 73. The first Satyagraha campaign of Gandhiji was started in—(A) Champaran(B) Bardoli(C) Dandi(D) Baroda
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Q) 74. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the founder of—(A) Arya Samaj(B) Brahmo Samaj(C) Ram Krishna Mission(D) Prarthana Samaj
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Q) 75. The Indian National Congress adopted the resolution of ‘Complete Independence’ in its session held at—(A) Lahore(B) Calcutta(C) Madras(D) Bombay
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Q) 76. Which what the April 13, 1919 is associated in the history of freedom struggle of India ?(A) Start of Civil Disobedience Movement(B) Countrywide Non-cooperation Movement(C) Adoption of pledge for complete freedom of the country(D) Massacre of Jallianwala Bagh
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Q) 77. Why did Gandhiji abruptly stop the Non-cooperation Movement of 1922 ?(A) For the harsh attitude of British(B) Because of pact between Congress and British(C) Because of violence broke at Chauri-Chaura(D) Because of unanimous decision of Congress
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Q) 78. Which of the following is not matched properly ?(A) Mahatma Gandhi—Noncooperation Movement(B) Vinoba Bhave—Bhoodan(C) M.N. Roy—Partyless Democracy(D) J.L. Nehru—Democratic Socialism
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Q) 79. Which Constitutional Amendment is related to Panchayati Raj ?(A) 52nd(B) 62nd(C) 72nd(D) 73rd
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Q) 80. In which year Madhya Pradesh State has made Panchayati Raj Act after 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act ?(A) 1992(B) 1993(C) 1995(D) 1998
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Q) 81. Which one of the following statements is incorrect ? The President of India can—(A) summon each House of Parliament(B) address both the Houses of Parliament(C) prorogue either House of Parliament(D) dissolve both the Houses of Parliament
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Q) 82. The Presiding Officer of the Upper House of Indian Parliament is—(A) President of India(B) Vice-President of India(C) Chief Justice of India(D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
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Q) 83. The Act of 1919 provided for—(A) Annulment of Veto power of the Governor General(B) Bicameral legislature at the centre(C) End of communal representation(D) Introduction of dyarchy at the centre
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Q) 84. The Communal Electorate System was introduced by the British in India for the first time through—(A) Indian Councils Act, 1861(B) Indian Councils Act, 1892(C) Government of India Act, 1909(D) Government of India Act, 1919
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Q) 85. The Political Party commands absolute majority in Lok Sabha. It means—(A) membership is more than 50%(B) majority in membership(C) majority support(D) 50% membership
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Q) 86. Parliament of India consists of—(A) Legislative Assembly, Rajya Sabha(B) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha(C) President, Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha(D) Speaker, Lok Sabha, Council of State
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Q) 87. The State, which elects the largest members of Lok Sabha, is—(A) Madhya Pradesh(B) Bihar(C) Tamil Nadu(D) Uttar Pradesh
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Q) 88. The ‘Trusteeship Theory’ signifies—(A) property as theft(B) state ownership of means of production(C) abolition of private property(D) owners consider wealth ‘for society’
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Q) 89. Cripps proposals is a ‘post-dated cheque’ on a failing bank. This is the view of—(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru(B) Mahatma Gandhi(C) Rajgopalachari(D) Sardar Patel
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Q) 90. The Prime Minister of India is—(A) appointed(B) elected(C) nominated(D) selected
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Q) 91. In India, the Money Bill is first introduced in—(A) the Rajya Sabha(B) the Lok Sabha(C) simultaneously in both the Houses of Parliament(D) the Finance Commission
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Q) 92. Which of the following writs literally means : ‘We command’ ?(A) Habeas Corpus(B) Mandamus(C) Quo warranto(D) Certiorari
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Q) 93. Where is the International Court of Justice situated ?(A) The Hague(B) New York(C) Geneva(D) Paris
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Q) 94. When was SAARC formally established ?(A) December 1980(B) August 1983(C) December 1985(D) July 1987
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Q) 95. Who of the following gave the idea of partyless democracy ?(A) J. L. Nehru(B) Lenin(C) Jayaprakash Narayana(D) M. K. Gandhi
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Q) 96. The number of Judges in International Court of Justice is—(A) 15(B) 10(C) 11(D) 14
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Q) 97. India began NAM in—(A) 1961(B) 1954(C) 1973(D) 1978
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Q) 98. Sino-Indian war occurred in—(A) 1961(B) 1962(C) 1948(D) 1947
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Q) 99. According to the Constitution, the Lok Sabha must meet at least—(A) thrice each year with an interval of not more than two months between the two sessions(B) twice each year with an interval of not more than three months between the two sessions(C) twice each year with an interval of not more than four months between the two sessions(D) twice each year with an interval of not more than six months between the two sessions
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Q) 100. Which one the following pairs is not correctly matched ?(A) Simon Commission, 1927(B) Namak Satyagrah, 1930(C) Gandhi-Irwin Pact, 1931(D) Wavell Plan, 1944
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Q) 101. “Law is the command of the sovereign.” It was said by—(A) H. J. Laski(B) W. Austin(C) J. Bentham(D) T. Acquinas
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Q) 102. Hobbes has been called an individualist because—(A) he permits Natural Rights to the individual(B) he allows Right to Revolt against the sovereign(C) his Monarch has been given absolute powers by the people(D) his entire philosophy focuses on the security of the individual in the state
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Q) 103. According to Rousseau the State of Nature has to be terminated because—(A) Human nature was wicked(B) Natural rights were in danger(C) Art and culture were to be preserved(D) Inequality created the institution of property
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Q) 104. According to Karl Marx, State—(A) is a result of surplus value(B) is a permanent agency of exploitation of the poor(C) is a class organisation which was to wither away(D) is a product of social contract between rich and powerful
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Q) 105. Which one of the following is a Liberal thinker ?(A) J. S. Mill(B) Thomas Moore(C) George Sorel(D) A. R. Orage
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Q) 106. A welfare state is a/an—(A) democratic state(B) socialist state(C) secular state(D) administrative state
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Q) 107. “Socialism is like a hat which has lost its shape because everybody wears it.” Who said this ?(A) Charles Fourier(B) Proudhoun(C) C.E.M. Joad(D) Alexander Gray
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Q) 108. Guild Socialism is a half way house between—(A) Democracy and Socialism(B) Socialism and Marxism(C) Collectivism and Syndicalism(D) Marxism and State Socialism
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Q) 109. A socialist state believes in giving—(A) maximum functions to the State(B) minimum functions to the State(C) negative functions to the State(D) no functions to the State
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Q) 110. Proportional representation is also called as—(A) MacDonald method(B) Hare plan(C) Single voting(D) List system
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Q) 111. Who was the author of ‘Arthashastra’ ?(A) Kautilya(B) Adam Smith(C) Patanjali(D) Malthus
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Q) 112. Socialism as a political philosophy is not opposed to—(A) Capitalism(B) Feudalism(C) Social engineering(D) Competition
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Q) 113. Fabian socialists believe in—(A) inevitability of gradualness(B) non-violence for social status quo(C) revolutionary reforms(D) minimum consumption
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Q) 114. A democratic form of government can be contrasted from a totalitarian form of government on the basis of—(A) Constitutionalism(B) Electoral system(C) Rule of Law(D) Opposition parties
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Q) 115. Minorities and special interests can be best represented on democratic bodies by a system of—(A) plural voting(B) professional representation(C) proportional representation(D) separate electorates
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Q) 116. The book entitled ‘Grammar of Politics’ was written by—(A) E. Barker(B) H. Laski(C) H. Lasswell(D) A. Appodari
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Q) 117. Mr. H. G. Sorel was a—(A) Guild socialist(B) Syndicalist(C) Fabian socialist(D) Utopian socialist
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Q) 118. “Nothing against the state, nothing beyond the state, everything within the state” was the political philosophy of—(A) Hegel(B) Marx(C) Mussolini(D) Mao
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Q) 119. Marxism and Fascism agree about—(A) the nature of state(B) the role of religion(C) the utility of wars(D) the totalitarian character of government
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Q) 120. The socialists consider the state as—(A) a necessary evil(B) an unnecessary evil(C) a divine institution(D) a positive good
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