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June 10, 2014

Quiz-39 (Q851-Q900) - for UPSC Civil Service Exams

851 Q) The most salient feature of rain fall pattern in India is— (A) Its deficiency(B) Seasonability(C) Spatiality(D) Copiousness

852 Q) The movement in India which became popular during the first World War was the— (A) Swadeshi and Boycott Movement(B) Home Rule Movement(C) Separatist Movement(D) Swarajist Party Movement

853 Q) The name by which Ashoka is generally reffered to in his inscription is (a) Dharmakirti(b) Priyadarshi(c) Dharmadeva(d) Chakravarti

Quiz-39 (Q851-Q900) - for UPSC Civil Service Exams
854 Q) The name of the founder of the Red Cross is— (A) Henry Dunant(B) Baden Powell(C) Frederick Passey(D) U-Thant

855 Q) The name of the ICBM developed by India with a strike range of more than 2000 km is— (A) Prithvi(B) Trishul(C) Akash(D) Agni-II

856 Q) The newspaper ‘Man in India’ was edited by—(A) Surjit Chadra Sinha(B) Ashok Kumar Sarkar(C) Ram Gopal Maheshwari(D) Shiv Prasad Gupta

857 Q) The nickname of English East India Company was—(A) Bob Company(B) Sam Company(C) Tom Company(D) John Company

858 Q) The nirvasita (excluded) and anirvasita (not excluded) Shudras have been referred to— (A) in the Nirukta of Yaska(B) in the Ashtadhyayi of Panini(C) in the Arthashastra of Kautilya(D) None of the above

859 Q) The northern hemisphere is called as— (A) The land hemisphere(B) The water hemisphere(C) Water planet(D) None of these

860 Q) The number of Bharat Ratna that have been conferred till date? a. 5 .b. 100 c. 41 d. 150

861 Q) The number of chromosomes in human beings is— (A) 36(B) 46(C) 56(D) 26

862 Q) The Number of entries in the concurrent list? a. 100 b. 97 c. 66 d. 47

863 Q) The number of entries in the State List? a. 100b. 97 b. 97 c. 66 d. 47

864 Q) The number of entries in the Union List? a. 112 b. 97 c. 66 d. 47

865 Q) The number of High Court of Judicature in India is— (A) Twenty(B) Twenty one(C) Twenty two(D) Twenty three

866 Q) The number of high Courts in the country? a) 18 b) 19 c) 20 d) 21

867 Q) The number of member states of the United Nations are? a. 190 b. 191 c. 192 d. 193

868 Q) The number of nominated members in the Rajya Sabha are? a. 10b. 11c. 12d. 13Answer c.126. Which state has a uniform civil code? a. Karntaka b. Goa c. Uttar Pradeshd. Himachal Pradesh

869 Q) The number of times Financial Emergency has been declared in India? a) one b) two c) never d) three

870 Q) The ocean's greatest depth is— (A) Aleutian Trench(B) Japan Trench(C) Mariana Trench(D) Java Trench

871 Q) The offence of Culpable homicide amounting to Murder is contained in? a) section 226 of the Code of Civil Procedure b) section 226 of the Indian Penal Code c) section 300 of the Code of Civil Procedure d) section 300 of the Indian Penal Code

872 Q) The official historian of the movement of 1857 was—(A) S. N. Sen(B) R. C. Majumdar(C) Tarachand(D) V. D. Savarkar

873 Q) The official religion during the rule of the Sunga dynasty was (a) The Ajivika religion(b) Brahmanism(c) Buddhism(d) Jainism

874 Q) The oldest of the vedic literature is (a) Sama Veda (b) Yajur Veda(c) Rig Veda (d) Atharva Veda

875 Q) The only Indian Gold Medal Winner in Olympic 2008 is— (A) Sudesh Kumar(B) Pankaj Advani(C) Mahesh Bhupati(D) Abhinav Bindra

876 Q) The only judge of the Supreme Court to have been elevated directly to the post from being a lawyer? a) Justice Santosh Hedge b) Justice B.N. Kirpal c) Justice Ruma Pal d) Justice K. G. BalakrishnanAnswer

877 Q) The only Prime Minister to have been a former Governor of Reserve Bank? a. Atal Behari Vajyapee b. Not allowed constitutionally c. Manmohan Singhd. Lal Bahadhur Shastri Answer c.

878 Q) The only ruler of India who ruled over territories in Central Asia beyond the Pamirs was (a) Kanishka(b) Harsha(c) Ashoka(d) Samudragupta

879 Q) The only United States President to have resigned in the middle of his term a. Franklin D. Rooselvet b. John Adams c. Ronald Regan d. Richard Nixon

880 Q) The original name of the Kushanas was in (a) Chinese Turkistan(b) Arabia(c) Persia(d) Macedonia

881 Q) The Palghat gap serves communication inland from this port to Madras— (A) Goa(B) Mangalore(C) Mumbai(D) Cochin

882 Q) The paper ‘Indian Mirror’ was published during 1861 from— (A) Bombay(B) Calcutta(C) Madras(D) Pondicherry

883 Q) The party which observed ‘Black day’ on 3 July, 1947 against partition of India was—(A) Indian National Congress(B) Forward Bloc(C) Hindu Mahasabha(D) Communist Party of India

884 Q) The percentage of nuclear enery in India’s total energy generation is— (A) 60%(B) 27%(C) 10%(D) 2%

885 Q) The place of origin of red gram is— (A) America(B) India(C) South Africa(D) Egypt

886 Q) The planet nearest to sun is— (A) Mars(B) Jupiter(C) Mercury(D) Saturn

887 Q) The planet which is called twin sister of earth is— (A) Mercury(B) Venus(C) Mars(D) Pluto

888 Q) The power of the great Cholas was established by (a) Rajaraja I(b) Rajaraja(c) Kulothunga(d) Aditya

889 Q) The President of India is the? a. Patron of the defence forces b. Head of the Rajya Sabha c. Supreme Commander of the defence forces d. A titular head

890 Q) The President of Surat Session of Indian National Congress, 1907 was— (A) R. B. Ghosh(B) B. G. Tilak(C) Annie Besant(D) G. K. Gokhale

891 Q) The proposed ‘Himalayan Highway Scheme’ is being implemented— (A) From Munsiyari to Mana(B) From Pangoo to Purola(C) From Lohaghat to Tyuni(D) None of the above

892 Q) The Province where Indian National Congress did not form ministry after the General election of 1937 was— (A) Orissa(B) Bihar(C) Madras(D) Bengal

893 Q) The 'Regur' soil is— (A) Red soil(B) Black soil(C) Alluvial soil(D) None of these

894 Q) The resolution for removing the Vice-President of India can be moved in the— (A) Lok Sabha alone(B) Either House of Parliament(C) Joint Sitting of Parliament(D) Rajya Sabha Alone

895 Q) The right to Education provides free and compulsory education of all chidren in the age-group of 6 to 14 years. This right is inserted to which article of the Constitution ? (A) Article-21(B) Article-24(C) Article-19(D) Article-14

896 Q) The Right to Vote is a? a) Constitutional Right b) Fundamental Right c) Legal Right d) Human Right

897 Q) The rising of ink to the point of nib in a fountain pen is due to:A. surface tensionB. capillary actionC. gravitational attractionD. None of the above

898 Q) The rules of Buddhist monistic life are laid down, primarily, in— (A) Tripitaka(B) Vinayapitaka(C) Abhidhammapitaka(D) Suttapitaka

899 Q) The salaries and allowances of the Judges of the High Court are charged to the— (A) Consolidated Fund of India(B) Consolidated Fund of the State(C) Contingency Fund of India(D) Contingency Fund of the State

900 Q) The Sanskrit poet called as the Indian Shakespeare? (a) Kalidasa (b) Thulasidas(c) Sudraka (d) Kautilya

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