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June 30, 2014

Quiz-50(Q1401-1450) - for UPSC IAS Exams Online

1401 Q) Who curbed the Judicial Review power of Judiciary through Amendment of the Constitution— (A) State Legislature(B) Parliament(C) Council of State(D) Legislative Council

1402 Q) Who curbed the Judicial Review power of Judiciary through Amendment of the Constitution— (A) State Legislature(B) Parliament(C) Council of State(D) Legislative Council

1403 Q) Who decides allotment of symbols to Political Parties— (A) Political Party leader(B) Political Party Governing Committees(C) Election Committee of Political Party(D) Election Commission

1404 Q) Who decides de-recognition of the Political Party solely on the basis of its performance at the election, e.g., bycotting of the election— (A) Supreme Court of India(B) Election Commission(C) High Court(D) District Court

quiz for upsc ias exams
1405 Q) Who decides disputes relating with the allotment of symbols to Political Parties— (A) Representation Act 1952(B) Representation Act 1953(C) Representation of the People Act 1951(D) Election Commission

1406 Q) Who declares the financial emergency— (A) President(B) Prime Minister(C) Finance Minister(D) None of the above

1407 Q) Who discovered the laws of planetary motion ? (A) Copernicus(B) Kepler(C) Aryabhatta(D) Newton

1408 Q) Who edited “Sahid Bhagat Singh : Dastavejo Ke Aine Mein” ?(A) Irfan Habib(B) Malavinder Jit Singh(C) Chaman Lal(D) Amalesh Tripathi

1409 Q) Who elected Dr. Rajendra Prasad as the First President of India— (A) Constituent Assembly(B) Legislative Assembly(C) Council of State(D) Lok Sabha

1410 Q) Who fixes salaries and allowances for the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha and the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha— (A) Lok Sabha(B) Rajya Sabha(C) Members of the Parliament(D) Parliament by Law

1411 Q) Who formed the Radical Democratic Party in 1940 ? (A) Indrasen(B) M. N. Roy(C) Somendranath Tagore(D) Shachindranath Sanyal

1412 Q) Who founded Calcutta in 1690 ?(A) Almeida(B) Albuquerque(C) Job Charnock(D) Lins Choten

1413 Q) Who had chaired the Indian Education commission in 1882 ?(A) Macaulay(B) Sadler(C) W. W. Hunter(D) None of the above

1414 Q) Who had opposed the Champaran Satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi ? (A) Rabindranath Tagore(B) N. G. Ranga(C) Rajkumar Shukla(D) Rajendra Prasad

1415 Q) Who has ample powers under Article 324(1) to make appropriate orders as to the conduct of Elections, e.g., cancellation of poll and ordering to poll according to exigencies in particular areas, introduction of electronic voting machines, postponing of election, etc.— (A) Regional Election Commissioner(B) Election Committee of Government(C) Electoral Officer(D) Election Commission

1416 Q) Who has said that basic features of the Indian Constitution do not amount to a change— (A) Prime Minister(B) Parliament(C) Supreme Court of India(D) Government

1417 Q) Who has the Authority to approve President Rule in the state— (A) Parliament(B) Lok Sabha(C) State Legislature(D) Council of State

1418 Q) Who has the authority to call a joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament— (A) Prime Minister(B) President(C) Member of Lok Sabha(D) Member of Rajya Sabha

1419 Q) Who has the constitutional power not to approve `President Rule' in the state under Article 356— (A) Prime Minister(B) Parliament(C) Union Council of Ministers(D) State Government

1420 Q) Who has the power to accept adjournment in the House— (A) Prime Minister(B) Home Minister(C) Speaker in the Lok Sabha and Chairman in the Rajya Sabha(D) All the above

1421 Q) Who has the power to accord his assent or withhold his assent to a Bill passed by the parliament— (A) President(B) Member of the House(C) Minister(D) None of the above

1422 Q) Who has the power to accord his assent or withhold his assent to a Bill passed by the parliament— (A) President(B) Member of the House(C) Minister(D) None of the above

1423 Q) Who has the power to declare that citizen has no right to move any court for the enforcement of the rights conferred by Part 3 of Fundamental Rights during the course of emergency— (A) Executive(B) President(C) Governor(D) Prime Minister

1424 Q) Who has the power to pardon a death sentence given by a Court? a. The Chief Justice of India b. The Governor of the state where the inmate is kept c. The President of India d. The Court which passed the sentence

1425 Q) Who has the power to present adjournment motion in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha— (A) Minister(B) Deputy Speaker(C) Prime Minister(D) Member of the said House

1426 Q) Who headed the First Law Commission which drafted the Indian Penal Code in 1860? a) Lord Mckartney b) Lord Macaulay c) Lord Swaraj Paul d) Dadabhai Naroji

1427 Q) Who introduced the permanent settlement in Bengal.? (a) Lord Dalhousie(b) William Bentick(c) Lord Curzon(d) Lord Cornwallis

1428 Q) Who invented ‘Television’ ? (A) Edison(B) Galelio(C) Baired(D) Franklin

1429 Q) Who is an amicus curaie? a. A bird b. Special Prosecutor of the State c. friend of the Court d. Special Defence Lawyer

1430 Q) Who is called the ‘Grand Old Man of India’? (A) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose(B) Gopal Krishna Gokhale(C) Dadabhai Nauroji(D) Mahatma Gandhi

1431 Q) Who is known as ‘Father of Computer’ ? (A) Blaze Pascal(B) Charles Bavage(C) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam(D) Homi Bhabha

1432 Q) Who is known as ‘Gandhi of Uttarakhand’ ? (A) Late Indramani Badoni(B) Sridev Suman(C) Sunderlal Bahuguna(D) Chandi Prasad Bhatt

1433 Q) Who is known as ‘Lady with the lamp’ ? (A) Sarojini Naidu(B) Jone of Arc(C) Mother Teresa(D) Florence Nightingale

1434 Q) Who is named as ‘Jhansi Ki Rani’ in the history of Garhwal ? (A) Teelu Rauteli(B) Maharani Gularia(C) Jiarani(D) None of the above

1435 Q) Who is recognized as the Father of Geometry.? (a) Pythagoras(b) Euclid(c) Johan Kepler(d) Rene Descartes

1436 Q) Who is the author of “The Kalam effect: My years with the president”? (a) P.M.Nayar (b) Sonia Gandhi(c) L.K.Adwani (d) Arun Shourie

1437 Q) Who is the author of the book ’My other two daughters’? (a) Lalu Prasad Yadav(b) Surjit Singh Barnala(c) E.M. Forster (d) Paul Kennedy

1438 Q) Who is the author of the book “Superstar India : From Incredible to Unstopable”? (a) L.K.Adwani (b) Arundhati Roy(c) Shobha De(d) Vikram Seth

1439 Q) Who is the author of the book 'Forbidden Verses'? A. Salman RushDie B. Abu Nuwas C. Ms. Taslima Nasrin D. D.H. Lawrence

1440 Q) Who is the author of the book Jyoti Punj? (a) L.K.Adwani (b) Atal Bihari Vajpayee(c) Narendra Modi (d) Vikram Seth

1441 Q) Who is the Chairman of the Planning Commission of India? a) President of India b) An Indian Administrative Services Officer c) The Cabinet Secretary d) Prime Minister of India

1442 Q) Who is the Chief Information Commissioner of India a. Ms. Kiran Bedi b. Mr. Wajahat Habibullah c. Mr. K.P.S. Gil d. The Home Minister is the ex-offico Chief Information Commissioner of India

1443 Q) Who is the current Attorney General of India? a. Kapil Sibal b. Ram Jethmalani c. Soli Sorabjee d. Milon Banerjee

1444 Q) Who is the current Chief Justice of the International Court of Justice? a) Judge Nagendra Singh (India) b) Judge Hisashi Owada (Japan) c) Judge Dame Rosalyn Higgins (United Kingdom) d) Judge José Gustavo Guerrero (El Salvador)

1445 Q) Who is the first Chairman of Public Service Commission of Uttarakhand ? (A) N.P. Nawani(B) K. Arya(C) Ajay Vikram Singh(D) Ashok Kant Saran

1446 Q) Who is the first Indian whose name is entered in ‘Guinese Book of World Records’ on making world record in shorthand ? (A) Shri Kishan Chandra Joshi(B) Dr. Gopal Das Bisht(C) Shri Badri Dutt Pandey(D) Dr. Harshavanti Bisht

1447 Q) Who is the Head to transact the business of the Lok Sabha— (A) Prime Minister(B) Members of Lok Sabha(C) Speaker(D) President

1448 Q) Who made a law for conduction of services and tenure of the office of Election Commissioners and Regional Election Commissioner— (A) Chief Election Commissioner(B) President(C) Parliament(D) State Legislature297. Who decides de-recognition of the Political Party solely on the basis of its performance at the election, e.g., bycotting of the election—

1449 Q) Who make composition of Panchayat under Constitutional Article 243(C)— (A) State Assembly(B) Lok Sabha(C) Council of State(D) Legislature of State368. Which Constitutional Article defines disqualification for the members of Panchayat—

1450 Q) Who makes law with respect to Elections for State Legislature— (A) Parliament(B) Judiciary(C) Government(D) Election Commission337. Under Constitutional Articles 327 or 328, which subject shall not be called to be questioned in any Court—

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