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June 7, 2014

Quiz -35 (Q623 to Q672) - General Knowledge for Competitive Exams

623 Q) Neta ji subhas Chandra bose organized Indian National Army at.? (a) Singapore(b) Rangoon(c) Hongkong(d) Dubai

624 Q) Nicolo Conti, the traveller who visited Vijayanagara kingdom in 1420 A.D., was (a) A Frenchman(b) An Italian(c) A Greek(d) A Russian

625 Q) Non-compoundable offences are a. those which cannot be compromised. b. those which can be comprised c. grave offences d. Don't need a trial

626 Q) Non-cooperation movement was called off by Gandhi ji because of.? (a) Chauri-chaura incident(b) Government accepted the demands of Indian leaders(c) Repressive measures adopted by the Government (d) None

627 Q) Normal blood sugar level in human is— (A) 80-100 mg/100 ml of blood(B) 50-80 mg/100 ml of blood(C) 110-170 mg/100 ml of blood(D) 115-140 mg/100 ml of blood

628 Q) Normally, what kind of session does the Parliament hold— (A) Budget session(B) Monsoon session(C) Winter session(D) All the above

629 Q) Normally, what kind of session does the Parliament hold— (A) Budget session(B) Monsoon session(C) Winter session(D) All the above

630 Q) Not related to textile industry is— (A) Spinning(B) Weaving(C) Jute(D) Pulp

631 Q) Note issuing department of Reserve Bank of India should always possess the minimum gold stock worth— (A) Rs. 85 crore(B) Rs. 115 crore(C) Rs, 200 crore(D) None of the above

632 Q) Obra Thermal Power Plant was established with the help of— (A) Soviet Russia(B) Japan(C) Germany(D) America

633 Q) Obra Thermal Power Plant was established with the help of— (A) Soviet Russia(B) Japan(C) Germany(D) America

634 Q) Of the total geographical area of Assam the total area under forest is ---options---(A) 33 p.c(B) 22 p.c(C) 28 p.c(D) 19 p.c

635 Q) Oil, water and gas can be present in a well in the ascending order of:A. water, oil, gasB. gas, water, oilC. water, gas, oilD. oil, water, gas

636 Q) On the lunar surface:A. weight remains same but mass variesB. mass ramains same but weight variesC. both of them varyD. None of the above is true

637 Q) On the subject of budget, demands for grant are arranged in which way— (A) Prime Minister(B) Finance Minister(C) Ministry wise(D) All the above

638 Q) On the subject of budget, demands for grant are arranged in which way— (A) Prime Minister(B) Finance Minister(C) Ministry wise(D) All the above

639 Q) On what basis, Election to Lok Sabha and State Legislature shall be conducted— (A) Adult Suffrage(B) Indirect Election(C) Direct Election(D) None of the above329. Under which Constitutional Amendment, provision for minimum age as 18 years for the Indian citizen was made to become eligible to vote—

640 Q) On what basis, Election to Lok Sabha and State Legislature shall be conducted— (A) Adult Suffrage(B) Indirect Election(C) Direct Election(D) None of the above

641 Q) On which Administrative Tribunal have no right to adjudicate disputes— (A) Members of the Defence Forces(B) Officers and Servants of the Supreme Court or of any High Court(C) Members of the Secretariat Staff of Parliament or of any legislature of any State or Union Territory(D) All of the above280. Administrative Tribunals entertain those employees who are under employment with whom?

642 Q) On which of the following dates is your shadow at noon the smallest ? (A) December 25(B) March 21(C) June 22(D) February 14

643 Q) On which one of the following rivers is ‘Tulbul’ Project located ? (A) Chenab(B) Ravi(C) Beas(D) Jhelum

644 Q) On which subject, Parliament has the power to amend the Constitution and the same also need ratification by the State Legislature— (A) Articles 54, 55, 73, 162 and 241 or Chapter IV of Part V, Chapter V of Part VI or Chapter I of Part XI(B) Any of the Lists in the Seventh Schedules of the representation of State on Parliament(C) The Provisions of Article 368(D) All the above219. Under which Constitutional Amendment Act, Article 368 of the Constitution was amended for the first time—

645 Q) On which subject, Parliament has the power to amend the Constitution and the same also need ratification by the State Legislature— (A) Articles 54, 55, 73, 162 and 241 or Chapter IV of Part V, Chapter V of Part VI or Chapter I of Part XI(B) Any of the Lists in the Seventh Schedules of the representation of State on Parliament(C) The Provisions of Article 368(D) All the above

646 Q) On whose recommendation, Election Commissioner or Regional Election Commissioner shall be removed from the office— (A) Chief Judicial Magistrate(B) President(C) Election Commission(D) None of the above300. Who has ample powers under Article 324(1) to make appropriate orders as to the conduct of Elections, e.g., cancellation of poll and ordering to poll according to exigencies in particular areas, introduction of electronic voting machines, postponing of election, etc.—

647 Q) On whose request can the President dissolve the Lok sabha? a. Prime Minister b. Majority Members of the Lok Sabha c. Leader of the Opposition d. Speaker of the Lok Sabha

648 Q) On whose satisfaction period of emergency shall be extended for operation in case security of India or any part of the Indian territory is threatened— (A) Prime Minister(B) Home Minister(C) President of India(D) Vice-President of India253. Article 20 of the Fundamental Rights represents which subject—

649 Q) On whose satisfaction period of emergency shall be extended for operation in case security of India or any part of the Indian territory is threatened— (A) Prime Minister(B) Home Minister(C) President of India(D) Vice-President of India

650 Q) Open market operations of RBI refer to— (A) buying and selling of shares(B) auctioning of foreign exchange(C) trading in securities(D) transactions in gold

651 Q) Ordinary clocks lose time during summer. It is so because the length of their pendulum:A. increases and so does the length of timeB. increases and therefore its duration of time decreasesC. decreases and therefore the length of time increasesD. decreases and therefore the length of time decreases

652 Q) Out of the following which country is dependent on others for the raw material for its iron steel industry ? (A) England(B) Australia(C) Japan(D) Turkey

653 Q) Out of the four southern states : Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu which shares boundaries with the maximum number of Indian states ? (A) Andhra Pradesh only(B) Karnatak only(C) Each of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka(D) Each of Tamil Nadu and Kerala

654 Q) Out of these who can be summoned to the House? a. Comptroller and Auditor General of India b. Governor of the Reserve Bank of India c. Chief Election Commissioner d. Attorney General of India

655 Q) Ozone layer in atmosphere— (A) Produces rain(B) Produces pollution(C) Provides safty to life on earth from ultraviolet radiation(D) Produces oxygen in the atmosphere

656 Q) Pallava Kings were the devotees of (a) Vishnu(b) Shiva(c) Mahavira(d) Buddhacharita

657 Q) Persian Gulf does not form border with— (A) Bahrain(B) Iraq(C) Kuwait(D) Oman

658 Q) Pir Panjal range lies in— (A) Arunachal Pradesh(B) Jammu and Kashmir(C) Punjab(D) Uttarakhand

659 Q) " Pluto has recently been demoted to ‘dwarf planet’ because it does not meet one or more of the following criteria of a planet— 1. A planet should orbit around the sun. 2. A planet should have sufficient mass so that it assumes a nearly round shape. 3. A planet must have cleared its neighbourhood around its orbit. Select the correct answer using the code given below— (A) 1, 2 and 3(B) 2 and 3 only(C) 2 only(D) 3 only"

660 Q) Point out the wrong match— (A) Plague — Rat(B) Rabies — Dog(C) Polio — Monkey(D) Tapeworm — Pig

661 Q) Poona pact was signed between .? (a) Gandhi ji and Lord Irwin(b) Gandhi ji and B.R. Ambedkar(c) Gandhi ji and Jinnah (d) Gandhi ji and S.C Bose

662 Q) Presidents of USA and Russia recently signed a historic treaty committing their respective country to drastically reduce arms. It was signed on— (A) 15 January, 2010(B) 18 May, 2009(C) 08 April, 2010(D) 12 February, 2010

663 Q) Pulakesin II was a contemporary of (a) Harsha(b) Chandragupta Maurya(c) Samudragupta(d) Ashoka

664 Q) Radiant energy from the sun that strikes the earth is called— (A) Solar constant(B) Insolation(C) Heat budget(D) Terrestrial radiation

665 Q) Rain in winter season in North India is due to— (A) Norwesters(B) Western disturbances(C) Cold waves(D) Arabian sea depressions

666 Q) Raj Pramukh represents whom under the Indian Constitution— (A) President(B) Governor(C) A & B(D) None of the above260. Under the Indian Constitution, what is the concept behind the protection of President and Governors—

667 Q) Raj Pramukh represents whom under the Indian Constitution— (A) President(B) Governor(C) A & B(D) None of the above

668 Q) Ratio between water and land on the earth is — (A) 78 : 22(B) 71 : 29(C) 80 : 20(D) 20 : 80

669 Q) Ravi crops are sown in— (A) Spring(B) Summer(C) Autumn(D) Winter

670 Q) Representative of Union territories in the Council of State shall be choosen in such a manner as decided by— (A) As prescribed by law in the Assembly(B) As prescribed by law by State(C) As prescribed by law by the Union(D) As prescribed by law in the Parliament

671 Q) Reserve Bank of India was Established in— (A) 1929(B) 1942(C) 1935(D) 1947

672 Q) Rift valley is the result of which of the following ? (A) Earthquake(B) Fold(C) Fault(D) All of these

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