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June 7, 2014

Quiz -36 (Q673 to Q722) - General Awareness for Competitive Exams

673 Q) Right to property as a fundamental right was abolished by which amendment to the Constitution? a. 1st b. 40th c. 12th d. 44th

674 Q) Rolling a drum is easier than pulling it along a road beacuse:A. rolling causes less frictionB. friction is more when the object is rolledC. pulling willl damage the drumD. None of the above

675 Q) Rubber industry in India is located at—(A) Panjim(B) Bangalore(C) Puducherri(D) Aurangabad

676 Q) Rudradaman was one of the greatest (a) Kushan rulers(b) Pallava rulers(c) Maurya rulers(d) Saka rulers

677 Q) Ruins of which of the following represent the old capital of Vijayanagar ? (A) Ahmadnagar(B) Bijapur(C) Golconda(D) Hampi

678 Q) Russia has agreed recently to construct how many units of nuclear Reactor at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu ? (A) 02(B) 04(C) 05(D) 06

679 Q) Saddle Peak the highest peak of Andaman and Nicobar islands is located in— (A) Great Nicobar(B) Sudraka(C) Shaunaka(D) Susrutha

680 Q) Sakas were finally overthrown by (a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya(b) Devapala(c) Gautamiputra Satakarni(d) Kanishka

681 Q) Sankosh river forms boundary between— (A) Bihar and West Bengal(B) Assam and Arunachal Pradesh(C) Assam and West Bengal(D) Bihar and Jharkhand

682 Q) Satavahanas belonged to (a) Konkan region(b) Kalinga(c) Andhra region(d) Maharashtra

683 Q) Section 25 companies are popular known as? a. Non-profit Companies b. Bankrupt Companies c. Blue Chip Companies d. Subsidiary Company

684 Q) Select from the following options, the Arab invader who defeated Dahira, the king of Sindh in 712 A.D.—(A) Budail(B) Muhammad-bin-Qasim(C) Sultan Mahmud(D) Ubaidullah

685 Q) Shahgarh area in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan was in news in the year 2006 because of which one of the following ? (A) Finding high quality gas reserves(B) Finding uranium deposits(C) Finding zinc deposits(D) Installation of wind power unit

686 Q) Shahtoosh Shawl is made from the hairs of— (A) Hangul(B) Chinkara(C) Chiru(D) Merino

687 Q) Shale is metamorphosed into which of the following rock ? (A) Graphite(B) Gneiss(C) Marble(D) Slate

688 Q) Silent valley is situated in— (A) Uttarakhand(B) Kerala(C) Arunachal(D) Jammu and Kashmir

689 Q) Small rain-drops are spherical in shape because of:A. surface-tensionB. gravityC. atmospheric pressureD. evaporation

690 Q) Spell out the condition under Article 361A by which any person or newspaper cannot be sued for legal proceeding if any report of proceedings of Parliament and State Legislature is published— (A) The report must be a report of the `procedings' of a House of the Union or a State Legislature. Hence, it must be relevant to a motion or other business before the House, and must not have been expunged(B) It must be a ‘report’ as distinguished from one article or `Comment'.(C) Such report must be substantially true. Hence, an extract or a garbed or perverted report would not be protected. The reporting must not be actuated by malice(D) All of the above266. Any Court including Supreme Court does not have constitutional right under Article 143 to exercise jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of any provision of which agreements that were in operation before commencement of the Constitution—

691 Q) Spell out the condition under Article 361A by which any person or newspaper cannot be sued for legal proceeding if any report of proceedings of Parliament and State Legislature is published— (A) The report must be a report of the `procedings' of a House of the Union or a State Legislature. Hence, it must be relevant to a motion or other business before the House, and must not have been expunged(B) It must be a ‘report’ as distinguished from one article or `Comment'.(C) Such report must be substantially true. Hence, an extract or a garbed or perverted report would not be protected. The reporting must not be actuated by malice(D) All of the above

692 Q) Standing Committees in Lok Sabha are— (A) Business Advisory Committee & Committee of Privileges(B) Committee on Absence of Members from the sitting of the House & Committee on Estimates(C) Committee on Government assurances and Committee on papers laid on the Table(D) All the above208. Financial Committees in Lok Sabha are—

693 Q) Standing Committees in Lok Sabha are— (A) Business Advisory Committee & Committee of Privileges(B) Committee on Absence of Members from the sitting of the House & Committee on Estimates(C) Committee on Government assurances and Committee on papers laid on the Table(D) All the above

694 Q) Subhas Chandra Bose had founded ‘Forward Bloc’ in the year— (A) 1936 A.D.(B) 1937 A.D.(C) 1938 A.D.(D) 1939 A.D.

695 Q) Submerged objects can be located using— (A) Radar(B) Sonar(C) Quassar(D) Pulsar

696 Q) Syed Salar Fair is held at— (A) Bahraich(B) Mankapur(C) Barabanki(D) Khalilabad

697 Q) Syed Salar Fair is held at— (A) Bahraich(B) Mankapur(C) Barabanki(D) Khalilabad

698 Q) Tea can be grown on— (A) Hill slopes(B) Plains(C) Swamps(D) None of these

699 Q) Teak and Sal are the products of— (A) Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests(B) Tropical Evergreen Forests(C) Tropical Thorn Forests(D) Alpine Forests

700 Q) That layer of the atmosphere, where ozone gas is found— (A) Troposphere(B) Stratosphere(C) Mesosphere(D) Thermosphere

701 Q) The ‘Instrument of Instructions’ contained in the Government of India Act, 1935 have been incorporated in the Constitution of India in the year 1950 as— (A) Fundamental Rights(B) Directive Principle of State Policy(C) Extent of executive power of State(D) Conduct of business of the Government of India

702 Q) The ‘Milky way’ Galaxy was first observed by— (A) Galileo(B) Maarten Schmidt(C) Marcone(D) Newton

703 Q) The aim of differentiated Interest scheme was to provide concessional loans to— (A) Weaker Section of Society(B) Public Sector Industries(C) Public Limited Companies(D) Big Exporters

704 Q) The ancient kingdom of Avanti had its capital at (a) Ayodhya(b) Ujjain(c) Vaishali(d) Pataliputra

705 Q) The annual session of Muslim League in the year 1970 was held at— (A) Dacca(B) Karachi(C) Aligarh(D) Lucknow

706 Q) The approximate time taken for the light from the sun to reach the earth is— (A) 2 minutes(B) 4 minutes(C) 8 minutes(D) 16 minutes

707 Q) The Arab conquest of Sindh took place in (a) 712 A.D.(b) 1009 A.D.(c) 740 A.D.(d) 1001 A.D.

708 Q) The Arab conquest of Sindh took place in 712 A.D. under the leadership of (a) Muhammad bin Kasim(b) Qutub-ud-din(c) Subuktagin(d) Mahmud Ghaznavi

709 Q) The Arabs were established traders on the west coast of India and had the support of the rulers of Kerala. Which one of the following rulers first conducted a naval campaign on important Arab trade centres to check their monopoly ? (a) Mahendravarman(b) Dantidurga(c) Rajaraja Chola(d) Chalukya Vikramaditya VI

710 Q) The Arthashastra is not concerned with (a) Administration of tests of loyalty to ministers.(b) Appointment of superintending officers for industries.(c) Appointment of superintending officers for agriculture(d) Assignment of lands to officers for their services.

711 Q) The Ashokan inscription which gives an account of the Kalinga war and its effects is (a) Minor Rock Edict IV(b) Minor Rock Edict XIII(c) Girnar Rock Edict(d) Minor Rock Edict III

712 Q) The Asteroid Belt is found between which of the following ? (A) Marsand Jupiter(B) Earth and Mars(C) Jupiter and Saturn(D) Saturn and Uranus

713 Q) The atmospheric layer reflecting radio waves is called ? (A) Ozonosphere(B) Ionosphere(C) Statosphere(D) Mesosphere

714 Q) The author of the book “Waiting for the Mahatma” is (a) R.K Narayan (b) N.A Palkhiwala(c) Amrita Pritam (d) M. Malgonkar

715 Q) The author of the book 'Changing Village , Changing Life' is (a) Praful Mohanti(b) M.N.Srinivas(c) Andhra Bettile(d) S.C.Dube

716 Q) The average elevation of peninsular plateau of India is between— (A) 700 to 900 metres(B) 500 to 800 metres(C) 400 to 800 metres(D) 600 to 700 metres

717 Q) The 'Bad land' landform is found in— (A) Thar desert(B) Chambal valley(C) Sundarban delta(D) Gulf of Kachchh

718 Q) The Bahmani Kingdom was founded by (a) Malik Kafur(b) Hasan(c) Timur(d) Zain-ul-Abidin

719 Q) The basis of determining dearness allowances to employees of India is— (A) National Income(B) Consumer Price Index(C) Standard of Living(D) Per Capita Income

720 Q) The battle between Alexander and Porus took place on the bank of river— (A) Sutlej(B) Ravi(C) Jhelum(D) Ganga

721 Q) The Battle of Haldi Ghati was fought between whom.? (a) Akbar and Aurangzeb (1757)(b) Akbar and Rana Pratap (1576)(c) Akbar and Raja of Mewar (1576)(d) Akbar and Tipu Sultan ( 1566)

722 Q) The Bengal presidency was constituted in 1700; who became its first President—' '(A) Job Charnock(B) Sir charles Eyre(C) Captain William Heath(D) Major Hector Munroe

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