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June 30, 2014

Quiz- 41 (Q951-Q1000) - fro UPSC IAS Civil Service Exams

951 Q) Under which constitutional articles, newspapers do not have the right to publish report of the proceedings of a secret session of either of the Houses of Parliament or Legislative Assembly & Legislative Council— (A) 361(B) 361A(C) 361B(C) 361C

952 Q) Under which Constitutional subject in operation, life of Lok Sabha can be extended by one year— (A) Proclamation of Emergency(B) Proclamation of President Rule in the State(C) Proclamation of Amendment to the Constitution(D) None of the above

953 Q) Under which Government of India Act, Federation and Provincial Autonomy were introduced in India— (A) Govt. of India Act 1935(B) Govt. of India Act 1930(C) Govt. of India Act 1940(D) Govt. of India Act 1936

954 Q) Under which of the following are companies formed in India a. Companies Act b. Securities Exchange Board of India Act c. Indian Contract Act d. Transfer of Property Act

955 Q) Under which part of the Constitution, Tribunals have been defined— (A) Part Four(B) Part Seven(C) Part Fifteen(D) Part Ten

956 Q) Under which Schedule of the Constitution every member of Parliament takes oath or affirmation— (A) First(B) Third(C) Fifth(D) Sixth

957 Q) Under whose advice, the President shall have the power of summoning, prorogation and dissolution— (A) Home Minister(B) Prime Minister(C) Council of Ministers(D) Parliamentary Affairs Ministers

958 Q) University of Horticulture and Forestry is located at— (A) Coimbatore(B) Solan(C) Palampur(D) Pant Nagar

959 Q) Uttar Pradesh holds the first place in India in the production of— (A) Rice and wheat(B) Wheat and sugarcane(C) Rice and Sugarcane(D) Wheat and pulses

960 Q) Varindra Ghosh was associated with— (A) Anushilan Samiti(B) Sadhava Samaj(C) Abhinava Bharat(D) Swadesh Bandhav Samiti

961 Q) Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali is related to— (A) Kakori-Case(B) Meerut-Armed Revolt(C) Chauri-Chaura Case(D) Peshwar Military Revolt

962 Q) Very small-time intervals are accurately measured by the:A. pulsarsB. while dwarfsC. atomic clocksD. quartz clocks

963 Q) Vijayanagar empire ruins are found in (a) Bijapur(b) Baroda(c) Golconda(d) Hampi

964 Q) Vikramasila University was founded by (a) Chandragupta Maurya(b) Pulakesin II(c) Kanishka(d) Dharmpala

965 Q) Vinegar is produced from— (A) Ethanoic Acid(B) Valeric Acid(C) Methanoic Acid(D) Butanoic Acid

966 Q) Volume of blood in normal body is— (A) 3-4 litre(B) 10-12 litre(C) 8-10 litre(D) 5-6 litre

967 Q) Walking on ice is more difficult than walking on concrete because ice:A. gives less friction B. gives more friction C. is very cold and as such blood gets frozen up D. being soft, one can get bogged down into it while walking

968 Q) What activities does the President perform in respect of both the Houses of the Parliament— (A) Time to time to summon each of Parliament(B) Prorogue either of the House of the Parliament(C) Dissolve the Lok Sabha(D) All the above

969 Q) What are Collatralized Debt Obligations? a. Structured Asset-backed securities b. A legal notice c. A WTO advisory d. Payment Obligations

970 Q) What are 'independent Directors' of a company a. Freelance Movie makers for a production company b. non official directors c. directors who apart from receiving director's remuneration, do not have any other materialpecuniary relationship or transactions with the company, its promoters, its management or its subsidiaries d. Business lingo for Entrepreneurs

971 Q) What are 'non-bailable offences'? a. The accused can never get bail b. The accused is deemed guilty on being caught c. The accused can be given bail only at the discretion of the Court d. The accuse can get bail immediately on paying surety

972 Q) What are the subjects for adjudication or trial by Administrative Tribunal— (A) Private sector employee recruitment disputes(B) Decide on recruitment in Public sector(C) Dispute and complaints with respect to recruitment and condition of service of persons appointed in the public services in connection with the officers of the Union or of any State or of any local or other Authority within the territory of India(D) None of the above

973 Q) What did the Act V of 1843 make illegal ? (A) Child marriage(B) Infanticide(C) Sati(D) Slavery

974 Q) What does AICTE stand for? a. Anglo-Indian Council for Technical Education b. Arabic International Council for Technical Education c. All India Council for Technical Education d. It is a computer programe

975 Q) What does Article 1 of the Constitution of India state? a) Freedom of Speech and Expression b) Powers of the President of India c) India is a Republic d) Name and Territory of the Union

976 Q) What does ASSOCHAM stand for? a. There is no such organization b. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India c. Association of children and mothers d. The Association for Children and Mothers

977 Q) What does clause 49 of the SEBI's listing agreement deal with a. Trading of Shares b. Corporate Governance c. Takeover of companies d. Futures Trading

978 Q) What does S and P 500 relate to ? (A) Super Computer(B) A new technique in e-business(C) A new technique in bridge building(D) A index of stock of large companies

979 Q) What does section 138 of the Indian Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 deals with? a. Check bouncing b. Invalid Notes c. Bankruptcy d. Powers of the finance secretary of ministry of finance

980 Q) What happens in case of a conflict between a Union Law and State Law? a. Union Law prevails b. State Law Prevails c. Both Coexists d. Matter referred to the Chief Justice of India

981 Q) What is a 'bailable offence'? a. bail is granted as a matter of course by the police officer or by the court b. bail is granted only by a court of law. c. those which can be settled out of court d. The person has to be in jail for a minimum of one week

982 Q) What is a cognizable offence? a. an offence in which police officer may arrest without warrant b. an offence in which the culprit has not been identified c. an offence in which police officer cannot arrest with a warrant from a majistrate d. an offence for which the minimum punishment is seven years

983 Q) What is a legal tender in India, Nepal and Bhutan a. Indian Rupee b. 100 Rupees c. Nepalese Rupee d. Bhutanese Ngultrum

984 Q) What is a listing agreement a. An agreement between SEBI and listed Companies b. An agreement between bidding parties c. An agreement for an escrow account d. An agreement for setting up of an joint venture

985 Q) What is a 'Privileged Motion' in a Legislative Assembly? a. Motion to end the Zero Hour b. Motion to call a vote of confidence c. Motion to demand a re-vote d. Motion to raise a question regarding breach of privilege either by a member of the house or councilof ministers with the consent of the chair

986 Q) What is a Vote on Account? a. Confidence Vote b. To take account of the fiancial affaris of the country c. government obtains the vote of Parliament for a sum sufficient to incur expenditure on variousitems for a part of the yea d. Vote to remove a member of legislature

987 Q) What is 'Bill of Rights'? a. The instrument that abolished monarchy in France b. A written document consolidating all important rights and liberties of the English people c. It lays down the rights of the members of the European Union d. The is the document that lays down the powers of the Queen of England

988 Q) What is compoundable offence a. Grave offences b. Summary trial offences c. those which can be compromised d. those which cannot be compromised

989 Q) What is Gulf-Stream ? (A) A cold current in the Pacific Ocean(B) A warm current in the Atlantic Ocean(C) A warm current in the Pacific Ocean(D) A cold current in the Atlantic Ocean

990 Q) What is 'Manusmriti'? a. a text on vedic mathematics b. an introduction to the Bhagwad Gita c. an ancient treatise on law and polity d. a love story

991 Q) What is National Water Grid Plan ? (A) To link the Himalayan rivers with peninsular rivers(B) To link east and west flowing rivers of the peninsular(C) To link the rivers of India with the rivers of Pakistan(D) None of the above

992 Q) What is referred to as the 'Fourth estate'? a. Judiciary b. Executive c. Press d. Army

993 Q) What is Rule 49 O of the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 a. Right to Vote b. Right to caste a negative vote c. Right to vote again d. Right to refuse to vote and get this dissent registered in the Register of Rolls

994 Q) What is 'Sub-Prime'? a. A semi primary number b. A subset Prime Ministerial Job c. A security for which a return above the "prime" rate is adhered d. A new vaccine

995 Q) What is the age of retirement of the Judges of the Supreme Court a. 60 b. 62 c. 65 d. 70

996 Q) What is the average distance (approximate) between the Sun and the Earth ? (A) 70 × 105 km(B) 100 × 105 km(C) 110 × 106 km(D) 150 × 106 km

997 Q) What is the basis of representation of the State in the Rajya Sabha a. Proportional Representation b. Direct Representation c. Decided by the President of India d. Part IVA of the Representation of the People Act, 1950

998 Q) What is the Bombay Plan of 1944? a. Plan to attack the British b. Plan to separate from British India c. Plan for Economic Development of India post Independence d. Plan of the Indian National Army?

999 Q) What is the colour of ‘Black Box’ of an aeroplane ? (A) Black(B) Red(C) Violet(D) Orange

1000 Q) What is the convergence of north-east and south-east trade winds near equator known as ? (A) Doldrums(B) Jet stream(C) Inter tropical convergence zone(D) Upper air monsoon

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