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June 30, 2014

Quiz-42 (Q1001-Q1050) - for General Studies & General Awareness

1001 Q) What is the duration of the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly? a. Three years b. Four years c. Five years d. Six years

1002 Q) What is the Finance Bill popular known as? a. Budget b. Fiscal Policy c. Monetary Reforms d. Vote on Account

1003 Q) What is the full form of ICICI a. Indian Credit Investment Circulation Investor b. Indian Crime Investigation and Circumstances Investigator c. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India d. Indian Credit and Investment Corporation of India

1004 Q) What is the legal age of marriage for men in India? a. 18 b. 19 c. 20 d. 21.

1005 Q) What is the 'Magna Carta'? a) A ship b) The declaration of Independence of the United States c) A treaty which established the International Criminal Court d) The first English Legal Charter relating to the fundamental rights of the citizens.

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1006 Q) What is the maximum duration between two sessions of the house? a. One year b. Three month c. two months d. Six months

1007 Q) What is the meaning of Foreign State as given in our Indian Constitution— (A) Federal State(B) Commonwealth State(C) Nation(D) Any State other than India

1008 Q) What is the meaning of Foreign State as given in our Indian Constitution— (A) Federal State(B) Commonwealth State(C) Nation(D) Any State other than India

1009 Q) What is the meaning of the adjournment motion under Parliamentary procedure— (A) Member draws attention regarding important subject-matter(B) Member wants the House to discuss his subject-matter(C) Member wants to raise complicated issue(D) Member wants to draw the attention of the House to way recent matter of urgent public importance having serious consequences.

1010 Q) What is the minimum age for election of a person to the post of the President of India? a. 20 years b. 30 years c. 35 years d. 45 years

1011 Q) What is the minimum age of standing for election to the Lok Sabha in India? a). 30 b). 35 c). 21 d). 25

1012 Q) What is the name of handicrafts emporia centres of Madhya Pradesh ? (A) Koel(B) Mayur(C) Kingfisher(D) Mriganayanee

1013 Q) What is the nature of India's political system— (A) Presidential System(B) Parliamentary System(C) A & B(D) None of the above

1014 Q) What is the nature of India's political system— (A) Presidential System(B) Parliamentary System(C) A & B(D) None of the above

1015 Q) What is the nature of the Indian Constitution— (A) Rigid Constitution(B) Flexible Constitution(C) A & B(D) None of the above

1016 Q) What is the percentage of oxygen in the earth's crust? ---options---(A) 92(B) 50(C) 61(D) 45

1017 Q) What is the period laid down by the Constitution before the proposal for removal of Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha can be taken up by a resolution in the Lok Sabha— (A) 15 Days(B) 18 Days(C) 16 Days(D) 14 Days

1018 Q) What is the period laid down by the Constitution before the proposal for removal of Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha can be taken up by a resolution in the Lok Sabha— (A) 15 Days(B) 18 Days(C) 16 Days(D) 14 Days

1019 Q) What is the period of Lok Sabha— (A) Four years(B) Six years(C) Five years(D) Three years

1020 Q) What is the permissible maximum strength of a council of minsters? a). fifteen percent of the total strength of the two houses of the legislature b). fifteen percent of the total strength of the lower house of the legislature c). There is no such limit d). Twenty Percent of the total strength of the two houses of the legislature.

1021 Q) What is the present level of finished steel production in India ? (A) 45-50 million Tonnes(B) 50-52 million Tonnes(C) 60-62 million Tonnes(D) 70-72 million Tonnes

1022 Q) What is the principle by which is cooling system (Radiator) in a motor car works ? (A) Conduction only(B) Convection only(C) Radiation only(D) Both conduction and radiation

1023 Q) What is the problem faced by Indian farmers ? (A) Small and fragmented land holdings(B) Lack of capital(C) Faulty marketing system(D) All of the above

1024 Q) What is the Quorum laid down to constitute a meeting of either of the Houses of Parliament— (A) one-tenth of the total number of members of that House(B) one-fourth of the total number of members of that House(C) one-fifth of the total number of members of that House(D) one-half of the total number of members of that House

1025 Q) What is the Quorum laid down to constitute a meeting of either of the Houses of Parliament— (A) one-tenth of the total number of members of that House(B) one-fourth of the total number of members of that House(C) one-fifth of the total number of members of that House(D) one-half of the total number of members of that House

1026 Q) What is the seat of the International Criminal Court? a. Anywhere in the world b. Hague c. London d. New York

1027 Q) What is the 'Swine Flu'? a. A new dance form b. A yoga mixed with Salsa c. A vaccine d. genes in a new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs in NorthAmerica

1028 Q) What is the tenure of the Chief Election Commissioner a. Five years b. Till his death c. six years or upto the age of 65 d. Can be extended from six years or age of 65 years by the Prime Minister

1029 Q) What is the term of the members of the International Court of Justice? a. 9 Years b. 5 years c. 7 years d. Till there death or voluntary resignation

1030 Q) What is Web 2.0? a. An online game b. A computer virus c. A new online storage device d. perceived second generation of World Wide web with new development and design, that facilitates communication, secure information sharing,and collaboration.

1031 Q) What is 'zero hour' a. On occasion of death of a person in office b. To save light time c. It denotes the time immediately following the Question Hour in both Houses of Parliament, starting at noon. d. Debate hour in the house

1032 Q) What line connects the point on a map that receive equal amount of rainfall ? (A) Isobar(B) Isohel(C) Isotherm(D) Isohyet

1033 Q) What members of the Parliament cannot represent— (A) Members of Lok Sabha(B) Members of Rajya Sabha(C) Members of Legislative Assembly(D) Members of both Houses of Parliament

1034 Q) What power the President may exercise from time to time in respect of Parliament— (A) Prorogue either of the House of Parliament(B) Dissolve House of the People(C) A & B(D) None of the above

1035 Q) What shall be the composition of National Commission for SC and ST— (A) Chairperson(B) Vice-Chairperson(C) Five other members(D) All the above355. National Commission for SC and ST shall be made by which constitutional institution—

1036 Q) What should be done by a car driver if he is caught on the way by a severe thunder storm and lightening?A. He should leave the wheel and lie down on the groundB. He should remain inside the car with its window glasses all pulled upC. Park the car beneath a tall treeD. Just bite a piece of cotton firmly in between the two rows of teeth

1037 Q) What type of forests are the 'Sunderbans' ? (A) Tidal forests(B) Monsoon forests(C) Tropical Evergreen forests(D) Temperate Evergreen forests

1038 Q) What was ‘Paga’ in the Maratha administration ?(A) Independent soldiers(B) State dependant soldiers(C) Professional soldiers(D) Soldiers of other country

1039 Q) What was held in the Shah Banno Case? a. Muslims could make a seprate state in India b. Muslims should be given reservations c. Muslims women can have talak on there own d. Muslim women are entitled to maintenance from the husband under the Code of CriminalProcedure, 1973

1040 Q) What was main contribution of Jainism to Indian Philosophy ?(A) The doctrine of rebirth(B) The doctrine of Syadvada(C) The doctrine of immortality of soul(D) The doctrine of Brahma is nirguna

1041 Q) What was Panchsheel? a. A Bird b. An agreement containing Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistent between India and China c. The post-war treaty between India and Pakistan d. A treaty between India and France for exchange of cultural material

1042 Q) What was the 93rd amendment to the Constitution? a) Abolished Right to Property as a fundamental Right b) Decreased Voting Right to 18 c) Increased tenure of Rajya Sabha Members from five to six d) Introduced Right to Education from 6 to 14 as a fundamental right under Article 19A.

1043 Q) What was the bone of contention between Nizam Ali, the ruler of Hyderabad and the English ?(A) Masulipatanam(B) Karnataka(C) The Sarkar of Guntur(D) The Northern Sarkars

1044 Q) What was the expenditure made by the Constituent Assembly while framing the Constitution of India— (A) Rs. 63,96,729(B) Rs. 64,98,725(C) Rs. 69,92,769(D) Rs. 65,92,926

1045 Q) What was the first law commission of India on? a. Reforms in contract law b. Reform in Information and Technology Act c. Liability of State in Tort d. Reforms in Judiciary

1046 Q) What was the function of the officer known as ‘Gopa’ during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya ?(A) He was incharge of a Janapada(B) He was incharge of a group of villages(C) He was incharge of a Dronamukha(D) He was the president of a municipal board

1047 Q) What was the important landmark judgement regarding amendment of the Constitution (Article 368) (A) Shankari Prasad vs. Union of India(B) Golak Nath vs State of Punjab(C) Kesavananda vs State of Kerala, Minerva Mill vs. Union of India(D) All the above226. Which Supreme Court judgement described the basic structure of the Constitution of India for the first time—

1048 Q) What was the important landmark judgement regarding amendment of the Constitution (Article 368) (A) Shankari Prasad vs. Union of India(B) Golak Nath vs State of Punjab(C) Kesavananda vs State of Kerala, Minerva Mill vs. Union of India(D) All the above

1049 Q) What was the Kothari Commission on? a. Education reforms b. Police reforms c. Reservation of Seats for Backward Caste d. Center-State Relations

1050 Q) What was the last session of the Constituent Assembly— (A) Eleventh session(B) Twelfth session(C) Sixteenth session(D) Seventh session

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