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September 9, 2014

Points to Learn - Early Medieval India

(Indian History for UPSC Civil services Preparation, SSC , Bank Po & APPSC Exams)
  1. The Bhakti movement, in true sense, emerged from the south India when Alvar and Nayanar saints popularized the worship of Vishnu and Shiva respectively.
  2. The Ratha temple at Mahabalipuram was built by Narsimhavarman.
  3. The port city of Mahabalipuram of Mamallapuram was founded by Narsimhavarman.
  4. In post Gupta period we find the practice of worshipping Brahma, Ganapati, Vishnu, Shakti and Shiva which were collectively called Panchdeva or five divinities.
  5. The temples, having Panchdeva in its inner shrine, were called Panchayatana in post Gupta period.
  6. Hiuen Tsang has called the Shudras as agriculturists.
  7. Sushruta samhita is a work on medicine by Sushruta in which he describes the method of operating catraract, stone diseases and several other ailments.
  8. Charka samhila by Charaka is like an encyclopaedia of Indian medicine; it describes various types of fever, leprosy, hysteria (Mirgi) and tuberculosis.
  9. Udranga and Uparikar were the land tax in the Gupta and post Gupta period. Education in ancient India was mostly disseminated through Gurukula and Brahmasangha.
  10. The city of Kannauj was the bone of contention among Palas, Pratihars and Rashtrakutas.
  11. Hamthigumpha inscription is associated with Kalinga king Kharavela, who was a Jaina (1st century A. D.).
  12. Pegu and Moulmein in Burma was called Suvarnablmmi by the ancient Indians, and Java in Indonesia was called Suvarnadvipa (the island of gold).
  13. Constructed in the eighth century A. D. the Buddhist temple at Borobudur is considered to be the largest Buddhist temple in the world.
  14. The Vishnu temple of Ankorvat in Cambodia is larger than that of Borobudur.
  15. Hiuen Tsang came to India in A. D. 629 and lived for 15 years, he had come in search of some Buddhist texts and for studying Buddhism.
  16. Buddhist temples are called Chaityas and monasteries Viharas.
  17. The inscription of Rudradamanat Girnar dated A.D, 150 is written in prose of the full-fledged ‘Kavya style (chaste Sanskrit) in conformity with the rules of grammar. The fanatic Shavite ruler Sasanka of Bengal cut the Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya.
  18. Harsha professed and patronized Mahayalia Buddhism.
  19. The four Rajput clans of Agnikula origin are Tomarasas of Delhi, Chahuvans of Ajmer, Paramaras of Malawa and Solankis of Gujarat
  20. The Tomaras had founded the city of Dilikha (Delhi) in A. D. 736.
  21. The first Muslim to invade India from north western part was Sabuktigin, father of Mahmud Ghazni, who from about A. D. 986 began to make raids into the territory of Jayapal of Sahi dynasty.
  22. The first invastion of Mahmud Ghazni was directed against some of the frontier towns of the Khyber Pan; his second expedition in A. D. 1001 against his father’s enemy Jaypal, his twelfth expedition (A. D. 1018) was directed against Kannauj and Mathura.
  23. The Sixteenth expedition (A. D. 1025) of Mahmud was to the sack of Somnath temple which was famous for its fabulous wealth.
  24. Mahmud led his last and seventeenth expedition against the Jats in the neighbourhood of Multan.

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