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June 24, 2014

Important Eras of Ancient India (Points to Learn)

Vedanga Jyotisa: The earliest method of reckoning time in India was mentioned in Vedanga Jyotisa, astronomy ancillary to the Vedas. The extant of Vedanga Jyotisa is a short work in a verse of indefinite date, perhaps not later than 400 B.C. It recognizes a cycle (Yuga) of five year of 360 days each completed by an additional month of 30 days, making a total of 1830 days (solar), as against an actual 1826.

Buddha Era: The Buddha era dates from 544 B.C., according to Ceylonese reckoning. Modern criticism has shown that the Eeylonese epoch of the Buddha’s Nirvana is some 60 years too early, the true date being 483 B. C. Another view based on Chinese evidence puts it in 486 B. C.

Mahavira Era: The Mahavira era starts from 527 B.C. and used mostly in Jaina works.

Kaliyuga Era: It is a fictitious epoch confirmed by Aryabhatta (5th century AD.) and employed in astronomical textbooks with a starting date at Feb 18,3120 B.C. This date is sometimes taken to be that of the Mahabharat War. A Chola inscription from Graman (South Arcot) is dated Kali year 4,044 or Kaliday 14,77,037 corresponding to Saturday, January 14, A.D. 943. This era is still shown in current almanacs at least in south India.

Saptarsi Era: The Saptarsi (also called Laakika) era beings after the expiry of 25 Kali years, in 3,076 B.C. and it was in use in Kashmir and its neighborhood at the time of Alberuni (11th century AD.)

Vikram Era: The era starts in 58 B.C. and is said to have been founded by king Vikramaditya to commemorate his victory over Sakas in Ujjaini.

Saka Era -Months & Days
Saka Era: The most famous Kushana ruler Kanishka is credited to have started this era in A.D. 78. This era is used by the Government of India. It is the most popular era in south India, and is known there as Salivahana Sakabda.

Kalachuri Era: We have this era of AD. 248, first in use among the Abhiras and Traikutakas, later taken over by the Chedis or Kalachuris and becoming better known by their name.

Gupta era: The Gupta Era (AD. 319-320) was probably founded by Chandragupta I of the imperial Gupta dynasty.

Harsha Era: The Harsha era (AD.606) was founded by Harshavardhana of Kanyakubja (Kannauj).

Lakshman Era: The Lakshman Era (A.D.1119) is wrongly ascribed to king Lakshmansena of Bengal.

Nevari Era: Nevari Era of Nepal was started on October 20, A.D. 879.

Kollam Era of Malabar (A.D.825)-  also called as Malabar era. the era was inaugurated by King Udaya martanda Varma at his capital city of Kollam after elaborate consultation with his court astronomers.

Chalukya-Vikrama Era (AD.1075) of Chalukaya Vikramaditya VI of Kalyan (Deccan).

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