(Indian History for UPSC Civil services
Preparation, SSC , Bank Po & APPSC Exams)
The Chahamanas
- There were several branches of the Chahamans, known in the later times as the Chauhan Rajputs and the most important of them ruled in Sakambharidesa also known as Sapadalaksa, the capital of which was Sakambhari, modem Sambhar in Rajasthan.
- The Chahamana rulers had been feudatories of the Pratiharas till Simharaja declared independence in the middle of the 10th century. His successor, Vigraharaja II, defeated Mularaja I and overran Gujrat Vigraharaja II was succeeded by a large number of kings, one after the other, and. in the first quarter of the 12th century, Ajayaraja was on the throne of Sakambhari. He founded a city which was called after his name Ajayameru, modem Ajmer.